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"Yona Marie has such a smooth lustrous voice that flows like a waterfall. Unff. She could sing the alphabet song and make it golden..."
- Josephine L, Critic
"Wow. Through every single song, Yona Marie just oozes soul and passion. I love her soft, almost whispery, crooning style that she exhibits in each and every track...."
- Banger Of The Day
"Something about the way she sings…very inviting and quickly endearing to listen to; it’s always nice to naturally want to be on an artist’s side rather than trying to find a way into something that’s tougher to like."
- Sleeping Bag Studios
Our featured artist Rachel Marie aka Yona Marie is an RnB/neo-soul music artist from the Washington, DC area. Her music inspiration stems from wide a variety of jazz, soul, blues, gospel, pop and classical musical collections. Free MP3 music downloads available for a limited time only! Join Rachel Marie's fan mailing list to get great songs and smooth vibes sent to your inbox
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